Description of Task |
Using the Asset Screen |
Tools Required |
PC/Mac/Tablet Device with Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Opera web browser |
The Asset Screen 1) is a tool that allows to view all types or asset and drivers in the current facility in a selected time period during the mission, 2) allows users to see each asset record’s history over the course of the mission, 3) is where the action of editing or deleting a record takes place and crossdock operations are initiated. |
Step# |
Step |
Key Points |
1 |
Open the Asset Screen |
- From the home page, ensure that you are logged in to the correct mission and facility in the top right-hand corner. The facility on the Arrive page determines which facility will be reflected on the Asset screen.
- Click on the “Asset” tab
- Under the Facilities drop down, the facility on the Arrive screen should default to reflect the same facility.
- If the user is an admin tied to the Estes Express parent account, then the user can select other facilities within the mission that the user is currently logged in to view the in-gate records.
2 |
Viewing the Asset Table |
- The table is a digitized log of all assets that have entered your current facility.
- Below is a list of data fields, and a brief description, that are currently displayed:
- Actions – There are 3 buttons:
- Pencil icon – If it is highlighted blue , you are allowed to edit the asset record. If it highlighted grey , this means the asset cannot be edited as it has already been dispatched from your current facility.
- Trash Can icon – This allows you to delete an asset record that has been uploaded through the excel uploader (no driver(s), trailer/cargo updated). If it highlighted grey, then the delete function is disabled.
- Crossdock icon – If it is highlighted blue, this is an asset that is to be crossdocked. When the crossdock icon is clicked on, it will open up the Crossdock Window (Refer to Crossdocking Instructions) If it is highlighted grey, the in-gate asset is not to be crossdocked.
- Mission – Reflects the current mission the asset is running in.
- CWID – This is an identifier for Clockwork to record the unique in-gate record. This may not be necessary for Disaster Response operations.
- PRO Number – This is the PRO number that is automatically assigned to an active load in mission.
- Trailer Number – If a trailer has entered, then this field will be populated with the trailer ID.
- Inbound Door – For trailers that were crossdocked, this reflects the trailer that was emptied.
- Outbound Door – For trailers that were crossdocked, this reflects the trailer that was loaded from another trailer.
- CrossDock Association – reflects the trailer number from which the cargo was unloaded from or the trailer number that the cargo was loaded into if crossdocking occurred.
- Trailer Type – Type of trailer that was in gated.
- Trailer Status – Reflects the asset’s current status until the asset is dispatched / moved off the facility (refer to Asset Status Definitions to see the description of each Trailer Status)
- License Plate Number – displays the license plate number of trailer if recorded during In-Gate.
- Seal Number – display the Seal Number of trailer if present upon In-Gate or Delivery
- Power Unit Type – Reflects the type of power unit that was in gated with trailer (if a trailer was attached)
- Power Unit ID – Reflects the power unit’s number (or tractor number)
- Primary Driver – Reflects the Primary Driver’s name that was associated to power unit and trailer, if attached, upon in-gate into facility
- Secondary Driver – Reflects the Secondary Driver’s name, if arriving in Teams upon in-gate, that was associated to power unit and trailer, if attached, upon in-gate into facility
- Carrier – Reflects the name of the Carrier the Primary Driver is associated with.
- Transport Order – If the asset has been dispatched out of the facility, an auto generated Transport Order number is generated and will be reflected in this column. This number may or not be needed for Disaster Response operations.
- Ingate by – Reflects the operator’s name that recorded the in-gate of the new resource into your facility or driver’s name that delivered the asset into the facility.
- Ingate Date – Reflects the date / time stamp when the asset was in-gated as a new resource or delivered into your facility.
3 |
Using the Asset Screen Filters |
- Use the filters at the top of the Asset screen to display only the records that meet the criteria that you specify and hide records that you do not want to display
- Below are the available filters with a brief description:
- Search – allows you to specifically search for a trailer record or records containing AT LEAST 5 characters
- Facilities – allows you to select which facility or facilities’ records should be displayed. The default selection will be the facility that is selected on the Arrive table. If you are an admin, you will be able to select the other facilities that are a part of the mission you are currently logged into.
- Trailer Status – allows you select trailer records with a specific status (refer to Asset Status Definitions to see the description of each Trailer Status)
- Date Type – this filter is to be used in tandem with Date From and To. When searching for records within a specified period of time, you will need to specify the date bucket. Below is a list of date types and their definition:
- Ingate/Delivered – date in which the asset has been in gated into the current filtered facility(ies) under a mission for the first time OR delivered into the current facility
- Ingate – date in which the asset has been in gated into the current facility(ies) under a mission for the first time.
- Delivered – date in which the asset has been delivered into the current facility(ies)
- Dispatched – date in which the asset has been dispatched from the current facility(ies)
- Date From and To – this filter is to be used in tandem with Date Type. The drop down contains one-click date selections (i.e. Today, This Week, etc) or you can select “Custom” to specify a specific date period. Simply click into the Start and End fields to open the date picker to select your Start and End dates or you can also key in your Start and End dates. Click the blue “Apply” button to set.
- Crossdocked – if filtered on “Yes”, this will pull in all trailers that are to be crossdocked or have been crossdocked (inbound trailers that were emptied). If filtered on “No”, trailers that are not to be crossdocked or have not been crossdocked will be displayed.
- Bobtail – if filtered on “Yes”, this will pull in all tractors without trailers (power units only) that have been in-gated or delivered into the selected facility(ies). If filtered on “No”, only tractors with trailers will be displayed.
- Empty Trailer – if filtered on “Yes”, this will pull in all empty trailers. If filtered on “No”, only trailers with loads will be displayed.
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Viewing the Trailer History |
- View the Trailer History by clicking on blue stack icon in the Trailer Number column.
- This will open a window showing the history of the trailer’s movements within the mission, sorted by the most recent move.
- The following fields will be displayed for each move:
- Latest status (Event Name) with timestamp (Event Date) and last location (Event Location) associated to the trailer
- Created By- The user that generated the event (i.e. the operator at in gate or the driver using the mobile app)
- The PRO# associated to the trailer, if trailer is loaded
- If crossdocked, the trailer associated with the operation will be displayed as:
Trailer# containing cargo=>Trailer# the cargo was transferred to
- CW ID (Clockwork Identification Number) – this number serves as the index number for the asset record in gating or being delivered at a facility. This may not be required to use.
- Transport Order – this auto generated number serves as the index number for the move from a facility. This may not be required to use.
5 |
Uploading Asset Records |
- To be able to quickly input assets already on site, especially at the start of a mission, the Asset Uploader template can be used to bulk upload asset records.
- One of your administrators should have distributed the template to use.
- The template contains 4 mandatory fields:
- Asset Number
- Asset Company
- Move Type (drop down selection)
- Trailer Type (drop down selection)
- Once all records have been input into the excel template, click on the blue “Upload Asset” button
- Locate the Asset Uploader template from your device to add.
- Once added, all records should be transferred from the uploader to the Asset Uploader screen. Click on the blue “Upload” button.
- Once uploaded, a results window should appear that displays which records were successfully updated into the Asset portal.
- If other data fields (i.e. driver name, driver company, load information, etc.) need to be entered for the records that were uploaded, you can edit the record by clicking on the blue pencil icon (refer to Step #2) to edit the in gate record
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